Saturday, February 14, 2009

eet smakelijk

When I buy lunch in the cafeteria, the person at the register always tells me to eet smakelijk. As I sit down, my co-workers say the same thing to me and each other. It is literally translated as eat tastily. In France, they would say bon appetit, or good appetite. So the question always arises, “What do they say in America?”

Here are some thoughts:

1) Nothing – we just eat
2) Enjoy your meal
3) Shut up and eat
4) Dig in!
5) Lord, we thank you for the food we are about to receive…

What else do YOU say before eating?


Anonymous said...

Nothing. I think you have the choices covered. Sometimes we say "bon apetit", but only if it's a fancy meal.
- Susan

Anonymous said...

A lot of servers at restaurants say "Enjoy." But at my house we say, stop talking and just eat it or don't complain about it until you try it. HA life of a mother.

Toni said...

If donuts are involved you can bet Todd will say "..mmmm...donuts.."

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm....donuts. Ughhhhh.