Friday, August 1, 2008

More Pictures

The first three pictures are of the town center in Bussum. This is where I do all the shopping. In Dutch, they say boodschappen for buying groceries and other regular stuff. If you are shopping for clothing or just browsing, it's called winkelen. The shops are called winkels. One of my favorite shops is the cheese shop - but probably because it has such cute cow-decor! The town has two church clock towers, you can see one of them in the first picture. The bells chime, but I rarely even notice it when I'm at home.
The next picture is one of the bike paths. The farmer had just been out cutting hay when we rode by. Actually this is not just a bike path, it's also the access road for the farms. We thought it was just a path because it was so narrow, but we have seen cars on it. Fortunately the cars yield to bikes so you don't have to worry about getting run down.
The last picture is the Vecht river. It's one of the few natural rivers as opposed to being a canal which would be straight. The Vecht is a favorite place for the Dutch people. It's really pretty and there are really cool houses (and house boats) all along it. When the weather is good, there are plenty of people on sailboats, speedboats, and yachts playing on and in the water. There is a great bike path along the river which is also a popular destination. What you can't really see from the picture, is that the land behind me as I took the picture, is actually lower than the river. It's really strange and hard to capture in a picture.
I've been getting around taking more pictures, so check back soon and I'll post some more. I know I've been putting up a lot of posts lately, so I'll try to give you guys a break. But I'd love to see some comments!


Toni said...

Love the pictures especially of your town. The cow shop is awesome! I have a thing for cows if you didn't know. It makes me miss Wisconsin. We have been talking about visiting you guys and now I am more excited.


Anonymous said...

It looks beautiful there! So green (compared to Tucson!). How humid is it? I'd love to see some pictures of the local shop keepers - it's always interesting to see how they might look & dress differently than they do in the US.