Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sick and boring

Sorry for the lack of posts for the last couple of weeks. Dennis got back from the US a couple of weeks ago and he managed to pick up some kind of super-germ on the plane. He flew in on Saturday and got sick on Monday. By Friday, I had it as well. So, we've wasted two weekends just laying around the house sniffling, sneezing, and coughing. Not only is this cold quite severe, it seems to last a long time. Dennis has been sick now for two weeks, but is finally starting to feel better. I'm a few days behind him so I am still miserable.

I'm hoping that we will be healthy by Thursday when our vacation starts. We booked a 15 day tour of Spain and Portugal. It's supposed to be a lot of walking so I really want to be feeling good for it. Of course we had hoped to be out walking every night for the last two weeks to get ready, but the cold-from-hell pretty much wreaked that plan. The most walking we've done has been to buy more kleenex and soup at the store!

Now that Dennis is unemployed (a man of leisure), he's been spending some of his time on the job search. At least this seems to be going well. He posted his resume on ona Friday. On Monday, the phone wouldn't stop ringing. Every headhunter in the Netherlands was calling. Dennis is working with a couple of the recruiters who called and he's already had two job interviews. This week, he has two more interviews lined up. It's too early to have any job offers, but we are excited about the number of opportunities out there. I suspect Dennis will not be a man of leisure for very long!

Today is one of those rare summer days in Holland where the sun is shining and it's warm. After several weeks of clouds and rain, this is like a miracle. We are planning to ride our bikes over the little beach and try to cook the cold germs out in the sun. Wish us luck!


Toni said...

It was sunny and hot here today. We went for a run at WFG at 6:30am and it warmed up fast. I hope you guys get to feeling better soon. I can't wait to see pictures from your trip. Have fun and safe travels.

Erin said...

Hi Karen! I randomly came across your blog, and had to check out the Spain pictures and comments since I visited many of the same places a couple years ago. Then I noticed you're in Holland... but are you American? My family is American but lives in Maastricht, so I thought we might have something in common. I enjoy your travel blog... feel free to visit my cooking blog if you get a chance!
- Erin